Nantucket, MA •

Joseph Cacarillo

Joesph Cacarillo attended Pratt Institute from 1963 to 1967
and studied Interior Design and Photography.
He worked as an interior designer for several design and architectural
firms including Edward Durell Stone Architects.
He designed for SLS Environetics for 5years and became Head Director of Design.
SLS was the largest design firm at that time and had both national and international clients.

In 1975 he created and opened SCR Design Organization
and grew the company to 100 interior designers and architects.

His clients included:
Bally’s Health and Tennis
Barnes and Noble Headquarters
BMW Manhattan
EI Dupont
Elizabeth Arden Headquarters
Exxon Corp
Goldman Sachs
Hagen Dazs Headquarters
Henry Kissenger Associates
Karl Lagerfeld
Merrill Lynch

In 2005 he retired from the interior design practice to spend time
on his first love of shooting editing and printing photography.
He has been photographing since his first photo class at Pratt Institute in 1965.
Today he has put together an extensive portfolio of photographs
that were shoot during his travels thru out the US and the following countries.

Amsterdam Greece
Argentina Italy
Aruba Mexico
Belgium Montenegro
Canada Porto Rico
Chec Republic Slovakia
Croatia Spain
Dominican Republic St Martin
England Switzerland
France Turkey
Germany Uruguay

Participated in the following exhibitions:
“Right Hear Right Know” Art Exhibition, Palm Beach 2010
“In Focus” Palm Beach Photo Exhibition, Palm Beach 2012
“76th Members Exhibition” Guild Hall, East Hampton 2014
“77th Members Exhibition” Guild Hall, East Hampton 2016

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