Patrick Roth
Fine Contemporary Art Glass

Born in Germany, now living in Austria, Patrick is an emerging art glass master. Roth creates his forms in clay and a mould is prepared for glass to be melted in a kiln followed by refining polishing techniques.

Since 2015 part of the glassartists association „Glasheimat Bayern“ (Kunstbeirat) since July 2016 own studio in Bregenz at the Lake Constance / Austria realization and designes for trophies and awards e.t. Europäischen Handwerkspreis; Hans –Böckler Preis; Deutscher Unternehmenspreis, Gründerpreis Schäbisch Media, internationaler Demokratiepreis etc.

1997– 2000 graduation glass refining / glass cutting at the “Glasfachschule Zwiesel” / Bavaria

2000-2005 woking as a glass cutter at Evelynhütte/ Amberg

u.a. realizing some works with Otmar Alt

2005 Graduation Master of Industries in glass /HK Passau

2005-2006 head of department PNB at INN Crystal in Braunau A

specialized for prototypes and new designs

2006-2009 Workshopmanager Glass J&L Lobmeyr /Wien

realizing Designs with: Ted Muehling; Sebastian Menschhorn;

Marco Dessi; Florian Ladstätter; Ernst Fuchs; Miki Martinek , Maxim Velkowsky u.a.

2009- 2016 teacher for cutting and engraving at the Berufskolleg- Glas Keramik – Gestaltung Rheinbach

2012- 2015 teaching Masterclass Glacier/Glasrefiner NRW ; history of glass and art/technical communication

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